
Localnet is a powerful local development environment designed to simplify the creation and testing of universal applications on ZetaChain. It sets up protocol contracts on a single local EVM chain but simulates the behavior as if it were two separate chains. This allows developers to interact with protocol contracts, tokens, and Uniswap pools locally, mimicking a multi-chain environment. By using Localnet, you can build, deploy, and test your applications efficiently before moving to the actual testnet or mainnet.

Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

You can set up Localnet in one of two ways:

  1. Cloning the Example Contracts Repository: This approach is ideal if you want to see practical examples and have a starting point for your own projects.
  2. Cloning the Localnet Repository: Choose this method if you prefer to integrate Localnet into your existing projects or want a more customizable setup.

To get started with the example contracts, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd example-contracts/universal/hello

Localnet is installed from the @zetachain/localnet package. If you need to update Localnet, run:

yarn add --dev @zetachain/localnet

The examples ships with the latest version of Localnet.

Start the Localnet by running:

npx hardhat localnet

This command initializes the local development environment with all necessary contracts and configurations.

If you prefer to set up Localnet independently, clone the Localnet repository:

git clone
cd localnet

Install the necessary packages:


Start the Localnet by running:

npx hardhat localnet

This command starts Localnet with a block time of 1 second on port 2000.

When you run Localnet, it performs the following actions:

  • Starts an Anvil Node: Launches an Anvil (opens in a new tab) local testnet node.
  • Deploys Protocol Contracts: Deploys protocol contracts (opens in a new tab) on the local testnet node. Both the EVM gateway and ZetaChain gateway are deployed and running on the same local blockchain.
  • Simulates ZetaChain Environment: Observes events and relays contract calls between the EVM gateway and ZetaChain gateway, simulating the real-world testnet environment of ZetaChain.
  • Configures Protocol Contracts: Sets up the protocol contracts with the necessary configurations for development.
  • Mints Example Tokens: Mints an example ERC-20 token (USDC) and ZRC-20 versions of the gas token and the example ERC-20 token.
  • Deploys Uniswap v2: Deploys Uniswap v2 contracts to enable swapping and liquidity provisioning.
  • Creates Pools and Adds Liquidity: Creates pools between ZETA and ZRC-20 tokens and adds liquidity to these pools.

Once the Localnet is started, you will see the standard Anvil output with a list of accounts and private keys, as well as the output from protocol contracts being deployed. After the Localnet is set up, you will see a list of protocol contract addresses:

EVM Contract Addresses
│        (index)       │                    Values                    │
│     Gateway EVM      │ '0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0' │
│    ERC-20 Custody    │ '0xDc64a140Aa3E981100a9becA4E685f962f0cF6C9' │
│         TSS          │ '0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8' │
│         ZETA         │ '0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3' │
│   ERC-20 USDC.ETH    │ '0x0DCd1Bf9A1b36cE34237eEaFef220932846BCD82' │

ZetaChain Contract Addresses
│        (index)        │                    Values                    │
│  Gateway ZetaChain    │ '0xA51c1fc2f0D1a1b8494Ed1FE312d7C3a78Ed91C0' │
│         ZETA          │ '0xa513E6E4b8f2a923D98304ec87F64353C4D5C853' │
│    Fungible Module    │ '0x735b14BB79463307AAcBED86DAf3322B1e6226aB' │
│    System Contract    │ '0x610178dA211FEF7D417bC0e6FeD39F05609AD788' │
│    ZRC-20 USDC.ETH    │ '0x9fd96203f7b22bCF72d9DCb40ff98302376cE09c' │
│    ZRC-20 ETH.ETH     │ '0x2ca7d64A7EFE2D62A725E2B35Cf7230D6677FfEe' │

These addresses correspond to the deployed contracts on your local blockchain. You can interact with these contracts using your preferred development tools.

Localnet supports the following parameters:

  • --anvil: Additional arguments to pass to Anvil (default: "").
  • --exit-on-error: Exit with an error if a revert is not handled.
  • --force-kill: Force kill any process on the port without prompting.
  • --port: Port to run Anvil on (default: 8545).
  • --stop-after-init: Stop the Localnet after successful initialization.

For an up-to-date list of arguments, run:

npx hardhat localnet --help


npx hardhat localnet --anvil "--block-time 1" --port 2000

With Localnet set up, you're ready to develop and test your universal applications locally with ZetaChain's protocol contracts, tokens, and Uniswap pools fully configured. This environment enables rapid development and debugging, ensuring that your applications are robust and ready for deployment on the testnet or mainnet.